Re-wiring your Mindset for Growth
Using Psychology, Visualization and a Good Hype Song!
It’s an honor sharing insights on using mindset work and the psychology of design to support increased vibrancy in your life.
Can we talk about the power of a good hype song on that path to re-wring limiting mindsets?
Nutshell: In my journey, one of the limiting beliefs I needed to tackle was:
“I need to stay small and not be vibrant because it might make those around me sad.”
This hurt a lot of things in my life including my growth. Not to mention it made it really hard for me to share my best self in speaking opportunities, while presenting at education workshops and sharing lectures with my students for a long time.
(as if we needed more to add to the fear of public speaking…amIright?!)
I really love supporting people through accessible education, so I needed to shift this limiting belief stat!
To grow past this, I started a mindset shift re-wiring ritual with each new speaking engagement using positive psychology, visualization and one of my favorite things…HYPE music.
How Mindset Re-Wiring Can work:
As part of your re-wiring you can create a new “highway” in the roads of your neurological pathways. It’s a process within neuroplasticity. Basically, a goal is to create a new path within the roads of your brain’s connection points that’s stronger than the “highway” of your older engrained limiting belief. This new stronger highway can help you respond automatically with the new belief vs. the limiting one to support you as you grow into new levels of success.
Important note: Self-compassion and self-love throughout any mindset shifts are paramount.
Remember, that old belief was originally created to serve you. It likely kept you safe for a long time. That old belief just may be one that now no longer serves you as you step into your new levels of growth.
Hold a seat of appreciation for your now limiting belief as you release it for your adventures on the new “highway”!
Definitely danced in the restroom stall before this one.
Here’s one re-wiring process To Consider:
Basically, for me to shift from my analytical research mind and into the flow of my body (helpful in re-wiring mindsets) before public speaking virtually or in-person I:
Find a quiet spot off screen or away from people (no joke, bathroom stalls are great for this :)
I hit play on my favorite hype song, close my eyes and dance my heart out
While dancing, I visualize the information I’m about to share supporting the incredible people listening. I also feel a deep appreciation for them throughout my being.
(Integrating the feeling is a key point in the process to help it stick)
I stand in a power pose (-think super woman-again off camera-ha!) right before taking the “stage”
I take a deep breath and show up as my truest self possible in that moment for the conversation
After the presentation I immediately repeat a mantra in my head designed to help me continue to expand my re-wired mindset
I often play the hype song again after the presentation while repeating the mantra too. :)
This process has dramatically changed how I show up to presentations and throughout all areas of my life.
I now realize keeping any vibrancy dim does not help anyone. In reality, it can truly hinder ongoing growth in ourselves and those around us. The road is a process for sure, but good songs sure to help along the way!
Not to mention, who doesn't love a good hype song?!